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3 footers are the simplest part of golf.
And at the same time, they generate tremendous amounts of anxiety for the average golfer.
I've got a challenge for you, and when I say challenge, I mean it!
For 18 holes, listen on every 3 footer. Don't look at the hole until the putt has had plenty of time to go in. This means staring at a dimple on the ball, and then after the ball has been hit, still staring at the spot of grass that the ball was previously sitting on.
As Gary Player says, "the hardest thing to do in competitive golf is to keep your head down on short putts."
It's all about trust.
If you successfully keep your head down on every single putt for an entire round, you have trusted your stroke.
Maybe you missed a few though...
That's okay.
I'd rather you miss a putt because of a faulty stroke/green reading rather than missing a putt because you don't have the discipline to keep your head down.