A handicapping system where a golfer can allocate their handicap strokes on any hole before the round starts.

A team format where both players tee off, then they switch balls and play each other's second shot.

In this golf format, points are awarded based on the number of strokes taken on each hole.

Also known as "better ball" or "best ball", each golfer on a team plays their own ball, and the lowest score among the team members is recorded for each hole.

Similar to a scramble, but in this golf format, after selecting the best drive, each player plays their own ball for the remainder of the hole.

A team format where all players tee off, then they choose the best shot and all play their next shots from that spot. This continues until the ball is holed.

In this golf format, golfers compete against each other on a hole-by-hole basis. The golfer who wins the most holes wins the match.

Also called "medal play", this golf format requires each golfer to play their own ball the entire round.

Alternate shot, a popular Ryder Cup golf format, is when two golfers take turns hitting the ball every other shot.