Golf Follow Through Drill: Learn proper weight shift

The follow-through drill is an excellent way to learn both the proper weight shift and sequencing of the golf swing.

Written by Zach

Last Updated: Jul 07, 2024

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Who is this drill best for?

  • Golfers who struggle with their weight shift in the golf swing
  • Golfers who want to learn how to "pivot" correctly in the golf swing

Required Materials and Equipment

No equipment is necessary for this drill.

Drill Overview

The follow through drill is a simple drill that can be done at home or on the range which will help you learn the proper sequencing of the golf swing and how to move the weight forward.

Drill Instructions

Without a club or a ball, place your hands together in front of you. Get into your normal golf stance.

With your dominant hand, "open the door" until your palm is facing forward.

Here's another angle of this. Notice how my palm is facing forward and my arm has supinated fully.

Next, drop your right foot back and place your toe facing down.

Finally, "sweep" your right hand through and turn your body until you've reached a tall and balanced finish position.

This is your entire golf swing!

Drill Variations

Variation 1

As a variation to this drill, you can grab a golf ball and practice throwing it down your target line.

Follow the steps above, and as you are turning, release the ball from your hand and practice throwing it straight down your target line. This will teach you to pivot "on plane" and is an excellent way to teach your body the correct feel without much additional thought.

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