The quick reaction chipping drill is a great drill for golfers who struggle with overthinking around the greens by loosening your chipping motion up.

The "Slomo" drill is a great drill to help you improve your tempo and get a better feeling for the individual positions of your golf swing.

This drill will help you improve your putting confidence by seeing those 3-footers go in time and time again!

This drill will help you learn how to release the club properly and feel the correct rotation of the wrists through impact.

This drill will help you learn how to shift your weight properly.

This drill will help you learn how to transition properly.

This drill will help you learn how to turn your shoulders properly.

This drill will help you learn how to release the club properly.

Here is a quick warmup routine that I used throughout D1 college golf to loosen up the muscles fast and prevent injury.

This drill will help you learn how to chip with your right hand only, which allows you to feel how the right side influences your chip shots.