Golf Drills: Wall Transition Drill

Last Updated: Nov 06, 2023

Golf Drills: Wall Transition Drill

Here is a great golf swing drill that will help you learn how to start the downswing with the lower body properly.

Written By: Zach Gollwitzer

Posted in: Transition Drills

Tags: Slice Fix

Who is this drill best for?

This drill will be best for:

  • Golfers who struggle with an over-the-top move, resulting in a slice
  • Golfers who have improper weight shift in the golf swing

Required Materials and Equipment

For this drill, you will need:

  • A short iron or wedge
  • A wall

Drill Overview

By practicing this butt on the wall drill, you will learn how the lower body moves through the transition from backswing to downswing.

Drill Instructions

  1. Place a club across your chest and butt against a wall
  2. Make a backswing and stop at the top
  3. Slowly execute the downswing, feeling your butt stay against the wall throughout the entire downswing

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