Short Game Drills

My 4 Favorite Short Game Drills (all skill levels)

These short game drills will have you striking your chip shots clean with tons of spin and accuracy!

Below, you will find all of my favorite short game drills. I have used all of these as a competitive golfer and know they will help your game!

Best Short Game Drills

Below are my 3 favorite Short Game Drills!

Short Game Drill

Golf Drills: Right Hand Chipping Drill

Who does this drill help?

  • Golfers who struggle with their takeaway on short chip and pitch shots
  • Golfers who do not rotate their body correctly during the chip shot

Drill Overview

In this drill, you will hit chip shots with your strong hand (right hand for right-handed golfers) only. This will help you learn to chip with your entire body and feel the role of the strong hand in the short game.

Deep Dive

Want a deep dive on the drill “Golf Drills: Right Hand Chipping Drill”? Check out my full article below!

Golf Drills: Right Hand Chipping Drill cover image
Golf Drills: Right Hand Chipping Drill

This drill will help you learn how to chip with your right hand only, which allows you to feel how the right side influences your chip shots.

Short Game Drill

Short Game Handicap

Who does this drill help?

  • Golfers who lack confidence around the greens
  • Golfers looking to improve their scrambling percentage

Drill Overview

Here's a quick overview of the drill:

  • Play 9 or 18 "holes"
  • Alternate between "hard", "moderate", and "easy" short-game shots
  • To get your hole "score", step off how far your shot is from the hole
    • Within 5 foot-lengths is a par
    • Within 15 foot-lengths is a bogey
    • Outside of 15 foot-lengths (or missed green) is a double-bogey
  • Write down your 9-hole score and keep track of your "handicap" over time!

Deep Dive

Want a deep dive on the drill “Short Game Handicap”? Check out my full article below!

Golf Practice Games: The Short Game Handicap cover image

Short Game Handicap

Golf Practice Games: The Short Game Handicap

The Short Game Handicap is a golf practice game that is awesome for any golfer struggling around the greens and will lower your score immediately!

Short Game Drill

Golf Drills: Left Hand Chipping Drill

Who does this drill help?

  • Golfers who "flip" while they chip
  • Golfers who blade or chunk their pitch and chip shots frequently
  • Golfers who are inconsistent around the greens

Drill Overview

This drill helps you train your flat left wrist for more consistent short game and ballstriking.

Deep Dive

Want a deep dive on the drill “Golf Drills: Left Hand Chipping Drill”? Check out my full article below!

Golf Drills: Left Hand Chipping Drill cover image
Golf Drills: Left Hand Chipping Drill

This drill will help you learn how to chip with your left hand only.

Best Pitching Drills

Below are my 1 favorite Pitching Drills!

Pitching Drill

Golf Quick Reaction Chipping Drill

Who does this drill help?

  • Golfers who overthink their shots around the greens
  • Golfers who are tense around the greens

Drill Overview

The purpose of the quick reaction chipping drill is to loosen you up and allow you to feel a more relaxed and free chipping motion.

Deep Dive

Want a deep dive on the drill “Golf Quick Reaction Chipping Drill”? Check out my full article below!

Golf Quick Reaction Chipping Drill cover image
Golf Quick Reaction Chipping Drill

The quick reaction chipping drill is a great drill for golfers who struggle with overthinking around the greens by loosening your chipping motion up.