My 1 Favorite Pitching Drills (all skill levels)

The pitch shot can be challenging. Is it a "mini full swing"? Or something different? Here are some drills to help you master the pitching motion.

Below, you will find all of my favorite pitching drills. I have used all of these as a competitive golfer and know they will help your game!

Best Pitching Drills

Below are my 1 favorite Pitching Drills!

Pitching Drill

Golf Quick Reaction Chipping Drill

Who does this drill help?

  • Golfers who overthink their shots around the greens
  • Golfers who are tense around the greens

Drill Overview

The purpose of the quick reaction chipping drill is to loosen you up and allow you to feel a more relaxed and free chipping motion.

Deep Dive

Want a deep dive on the drill “Golf Quick Reaction Chipping Drill”? Check out my full article below!

Golf Quick Reaction Chipping Drill cover image
Golf Quick Reaction Chipping Drill

The quick reaction chipping drill is a great drill for golfers who struggle with overthinking around the greens by loosening your chipping motion up.